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Gender Lens on the Budget May 2024

NFAW’s 2024 Federal Budget gender lens analysis finds that the budget’s initiatives only partially reflect the ambition outlined in the Government’s Working for Women—A Strategy for Gender Equality, released in March.  While there are some commendable efforts to include gender impact analysis, particularly women’s careers in the Future Made in Australia program, it has not yet been fully integrated across the entire budget process.

“The government’s efforts in integrating gender analysis into the budget process, including requiring gender impact assessments for significant project proposals, are commendable,” said Sally Moyle, Acting NFAW President. “Nonetheless, NFAW urges further investment in gender-responsive budgeting, capacity development across government, and enhanced monitoring and accountability mechanisms.”

NFAW is a feminist organisation independent of party politics. These position papers have been published by NFAW’s Social Policy Committee to examine the Budget measures and their effect on women.

Read the full media release: NFAW’s 2024 Federal Budget Gender Lens Analysis >>

Read the 2024 Federal Budget gender lens analysis in full >>

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