Parental Leave March 22, 2020Submission to the Senate Committee on the Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Flexibility Measures) Bill 2020. March 3, 2020NFAW submission to the Senate Committee on paid parental leave. November 1, 2018NFAW statement on paid parental leave. February 8, 2017NFAW statement on the child care, paid parental leave and family tax bill omnibus budget savings bill. February 8, 2017Detailed impacts of the February 2017 proposals to cut family benefits. January 1, 2016NFAW Submission to the Senate Committee on the Jobs & Families Child Care Package. January 1, 2016NFAW submission to the Senate Committee on fairer paid parental leave. July 1, 2015NFAW submission to the Senate Committee on fairer paid parental leave. May 1, 2015Call supporting the paid parental leave scheme. November 30, 2018NFAW commentary on the Women’s Economic Security Statement 2018. May 26, 2010Media release: NFAW congratulates Government and welcomes Opposition support for paid parental leave bill. January 1, 2010NFAW Submission to the Senate inquiry into paid parental leave. April 9, 2009Research paper: attitudes to maternity leave in Australia. November 30, 2008NFAW response to the draft Productivity Commission report on paid maternity, paternity and parental leave. November 5, 2008NFAW precis on the draft Productivity Commission report on supporting parents with newborn children. November 1, 2008NFAW submission to the inquiry into paid maternity, paternity and parental leave. May 1, 2008NFAW statement on child abuse and neglect in Australia. June 1, 2007Paid Maternity Leave Study. Policy Papers