Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Future of our Aged Care Workforce Caregiving Work, Employment, Older Women and Aged Care . February 27, 2016 0 1224
NFAW statement on the child care, paid parental leave and family tax bill omnibus budget savings bill Caregiving Work, Early Childhood Education and Care, Parental Leave, Transfers and Social Services . February 8, 2017 0 1165
NFAW submission to the Human Rights Commission’s project ‘Valuing Women’s Caregiving Work’ Caregiving Work . May 1, 2012 0 1120
Submission to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission May 2008 on award modernisation and the Aged Care Industry Award Caregiving Work, Employment, Older Women and Aged Care, Pay Equity . May 8, 2008 0 1027